Wednesday 24 July 2024

13 Signs You Have Poor Boundaries & How To Set Healthy Boundaries-peacefulmindbody

                 image from benzoix on freepik

Boundaries are the limits of appropriate behavior between people. Boundaries affect intimate relationships, families, and colleagues in a work environment. Setting boundaries is an important part of staying mentally healthy and maintaining relationships in a healthier way. 

13 Signs You Have Poor Boundaries:

1. You Have a Fear of Rejection:

The fear of being rejected is something many people experience. It's a phenomenon characterized by the fear of being judged, criticized, or left out by others. It interferes with your ability to regulate your emotional responses.

It's important to reframe rejection as a normal part of life and not a reflection of your worth. 

2. You Have a Fear of Conflict:

You are afraid to express your opinion to avoid conflict. You may believe you can't handle the consequences or you think conflict will shatter your relationship The trick to overcoming the fear of conflict is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

3. You Experience Low Self-Esteem: 

If you experience negative and hopeless thoughts quite frequently and find it difficult to accept compliments you are suffering from low self-esteem. If you have low self-esteem or low confidence, you may hide yourself away from social situations and stop trying new things. Low self-esteem has been shown to lead to mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

4. You Have Difficulty Saying "NO":

Many people struggle to say no because they fear upsetting others or being seen as unhelpful.

Saying no can be difficult when you think someone else's opinions and feelings are far more important than your own.

Ignoring your own needs to please others or to connect with them can impact you badly in the long run. When you don't prioritize your well-being you won't be able to fulfill the needs of others too as you can't pour from an empty cup. People can take advantage of this and you would feel resentful.

5. You Feel Overwhelmed and Drained:

When you go overboard you not only ruin your physical health but your emotional and mental health as well. When you experience emotional exhaustion, it can make you feel emotionally drained, overwhelmed, and fatigued.

6. You Avoid Confrontation at All Costs:

You might have a people-pleasing behavior where you avoid conflict or disagreements at all costs and fear making others upset or angry. Being confrontational can be seen as a negative trait but 

it can help people to express their feelings and to stand up for themselves.

7. Your Relationship With Others Feels Unequal:

It's not uncommon for people to feel like relationships are unbalanced, with one person seemingly loving more than the other. The problem with any one-sided relationship is that it can be draining and challenging to sustain over the long haul. The person who provides much more than they receive in the relationship may experience anger and resentment.

8. You Have a Poor Sense of Self: 

A strong sense of self may be connected to your belief in yourself. If you have a poor sense of self you may view yourself negatively and often seek approval from others. People who lack a strong sense of self can fear real intimacy, not wanting others to get close enough to see the emptiness they feel. 

9. You Feel Powerless:

You may have an overwhelming feeling of helplessness or inadequacy. You may feel intimidated by others. If you experience emotional exhaustion you often feel like you have no power or control over what happens in life. You may feel stuck or trapped in a situation.

10. You Don't Communicate Your Needs and Wants:

Unmet needs can lead to feelings of resentment, anger, disappointment, and frustration. Asking for what we need is not a selfish act. The people who love you can't help you if you don't tell them what you need from them. Start communicating your needs if you want better relationships.

11. You Easily Compromise Your Personal Values, Beliefs, and Opinions to Satisfy Others:

When you compromise values to keep the peace, you are giving up a core piece of yourself. Compromising one's values can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret, as well as a loss of self-respect. Standing by your values is what makes you the person you are. If you want to stay true to yourself, never compromise your values for anything not aligned with what's true for you.

12. You Can't Make a Decision:

Decision-making is a fundamental aspect of human existence. Every day, we need to make numerous decisions, big and small. Individuals who lack appropriate boundaries often struggle with telling others their decisions. They lack confidence, doubt their judgment, and experience fear of rejection. 

13. You Are Afraid to Disagree:

You find it difficult to express your feelings. You don't speak up when you are mistreated. Disagreeing is perfectly fine. We all have our values, beliefs, and experiences. To disagree doesn't mean you are invalidating other people's opinions it just shows you are sharing your perspective.

Advantages of Having Healthy Boundaries:

Good Mental Health:

Setting healthy boundaries is necessary for your mental health. By setting limits on what you are willing to tolerate, you reduce the amount of stress you experience which in turn alleviates anxiety and depression.

Good emotional health: 

Emotional or mental boundaries protect us to have our feelings and thoughts, to not have our feelings criticized or invalidated. Emotional boundaries may look like setting expectations around the behaviors we will and won't accept. 

Avoidance of Burnout:

Boundaries help ensure that we don't deplete all of our resources—spending our time, energy, and money on things that aren't priorities for us. Boundaries protect mental well-being and limit exposure to stress. Setting boundaries can help you avoid burnout at work and home. Without boundaries, you may be taken advantage of, overwork, and grow resentful.

Less Resentment:

Giving and helping others is a strength, but when it turns into doing too much for others, you may start to feel resentful. Setting boundaries around what you are able to do can reduce or even get rid of any resentment.

Time and energy to do things that nourish your mind, body, and spirit: 

By setting healthy boundaries you can get time for yourself. You can take better care of yourself and enjoy investing time in things that work for your betterment. 

Greater Self-Esteem:

Boundaries can help you feel more confident and assertive in expressing your opinions, needs, and feelings, and in making decisions that are best for you. These can help to build self-esteem as it forces you to reflect on your values, beliefs, needs, and limits. The more well-defined your boundaries are, the higher your self-esteem.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries:

When you set boundaries, you communicate to others how you want and expect to be treated. However, avoid overdoing it, as you may seem inflexible and close-minded. Always respect others' values, needs, and wants just as much as you want yours to be respected. There's no harm in doing a little extra for others when it's feasible for you. Remember, boundaries are there to make relationships healthier, not to cut off from them. Following are some of the ways to help you set healthy boundaries.

Identify Your Limits

We all have limitations. We need to assess our boundaries and determine if we are capable or willing to fulfill requests from others, and then communicate our limits. However, to expect respect for our boundaries, we must also respect the boundaries of others.

Be Assertive:

It's essential to assert your needs and boundaries with respect for self-confidence and healthy relationships. Express your feelings, opinions, and preferences clearly and directly but respectfully, without violating the rights of others. Being assertive shows self-respect because you stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings confidently. Clearly communicate your comfort levels, and use "I" statements to express yourself without blaming others. If you're nervous, prepare what you want to say. Different relationships require different boundaries, so understand and establish them accordingly.

Be Respectful

Remember to set your boundaries in a respectful and non-judgmental way. Avoid using accusatory or confrontational language. Once you have set your boundaries, it's important to stick to them. This will help the other person understand that you are serious about your boundaries. An essential part of this is practicing saying "no," politely but firmly.

If someone ignores your “no,” does the opposite of what you asked, or mocks your requests, these are signs that your boundaries are being violated. Knowing when someone crosses the line is key to maintaining healthy relationships. Boundaries are essential for human connection and personal safety. Set boundaries respectfully, and ensure that others respect them as well.

Practice Self-Awareness:

Setting healthy boundaries requires self-awareness. It's important to be clear about our expectations of ourselves and others, as well as what we are and are not comfortable with in specific situations. Before being able to establish boundaries in life, we need to first engage in some introspection and self-awareness work. If we don’t know what matters to us, we won’t know where those unclear lines are that make us feel uncomfortable when crossed. Self-awareness plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. So, be mindful of your strength and weaknesses. 

Train Yourself to Say, "No," When Needed:

Saying "no" can be incredibly challenging because you may worry about disappointing or upsetting others. It's natural to feel concerned about how people will perceive you or how they will react when you decline their requests. Have you ever found yourself at a loss on how to decline someone, whether it's in your personal or professional life? It's normal to struggle with saying "no," whether it's declining an invitation to a social event, refusing to take on a new task, or turning down a request for help. For some, the fear of coming across as impolite or unkind makes saying "no" even more difficult. People-pleasers, in particular, often find it hard to turn down requests and end up saying "yes" to everything. While some days it may feel manageable, if saying no doesn't come naturally to you, it can take a toll on your mental well-being. It's crucial to make an effort to learn how to decline politely.

When turning down plans or invitations, offer a reasonable excuse, and remind yourself that your time is as valuable as anyone else's. It's important to recognize that nobody is entitled to your energy or free time.

Some individuals may not accept a "no" as an answer. If your initial refusal doesn't convey your message, it's essential to stand firm.

Saying no doesn't mean you're rejecting the other person. Instead, politely explain that you currently don't have the time or energy to fulfill their request. Over time, saying no will become easier. Start by identifying small, simple opportunities to decline in your daily routine. These minor refusals can help you gain confidence as you prepare for more significant conversations.

Don't Overshare Personal Information:

Remember not to share too much personal information as it can be used against you and may also have negative effects on your mental well-being. It's important to listen actively and take the time to hear others before sharing your own experiences. Set boundaries for yourself and take a moment to think before sharing.

Without prioritizing self-care and establishing boundaries, we risk sacrificing our well-being and happiness for the demands and expectations of others. Having healthy boundaries means being able to count on the people in your life to treat you in a manner that you're comfortable with. The key point is healthy relationships need healthy boundaries.

All the best!



Thursday 18 July 2024

Vitamin C Rich Foods & Their Benefits-peacefulmindbody


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, found in citrus and other fruits, berries, and vegetables. It is needed for normal growth and development. It also acts as an antioxidant.

Benefits of Vitamin C: 

Vitamin C has several important functions in the human body.

Helps in the Growth and Repair of Body:

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is required to form an important protein called collagen, which is found in the skin, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, cornea, cartilage, bones, and gut.

Helps in Wound Healing:

Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth. 

Helps in Iron Absorption:

It helps in the absorption of iron and some healthcare professionals recommend taking vitamin C supplements with iron tablets to improve absorption in people with iron deficiency anemia.

Boosts Immunity:

Vitamin C is required for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Acts as an Antioxidant:

Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants that can protect against damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals can build up and contribute to the development of health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

Helps to Prevent Cancers:

May Help Reduce the Risk of Certain Cancers. A lot of research has investigated the role of antioxidants, including vitamin C, in cancer care and prevention.

Prevents Cold and Flu:

Vitamin C improves immunity which helps to prevent cold and flu.

There is good evidence taking vitamin C for colds and flu can reduce the risk of developing further complications, such as pneumonia.

May Lower Blood Pressure:

Studies have shown that vitamin C may help lower blood pressure. However, people with high blood pressure should not rely on vitamin C alone for treatment.

Good For Cardiovascular Health:

Vitamin C may benefit cardiovascular health as it has antioxidant properties, helps widen the blood vessels, improves nitric oxide production, and helps reduce plaque instability in atherosclerosis.

This could help protect against heart disease and hypertension.

Lowers Risk of Eye Diseases:

Vitamin C may help lower the risk of cataracts and slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Reduces Risk of Allergies:

Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine by reducing the amount of histamine your body produces in response to an allergen. It might help reduce mild symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and watery eyes due to allergic rhinitis.

Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Vitamin C has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the inflammation in the sinuses, leading to relief from pain, pressure, and congestion.


The recommended amount of vitamin C per day in adults (men) is 90 mg and in adults (women) is 75 mg.

Pregnant women need 85 mg of vitamin C per day.

Breastfeeding women require 120 mg of vitamin C per day.

People who smoke need 35 mg more vitamin C per day than nonsmokers. As smoke causes damage so increased amount of vitamin C is needed by the body to repair damage caused by free radicals. 

Factors Causing Vitamin C Deficiency:

Poor diet 


Excessive alcohol intake 

Effects of Deficiency of Vitamin C:

Deficiency of vitamin C results in various health issues. 

People who get little or no vitamin C (below about 10 mg per day) for many weeks can become vitamin C deficient.

A deficiency of vitamin C results in scurvy, symptoms are fatigue, depression, and connective tissue defects (eg, gingivitis, petechiae, rash, internal bleeding, and impaired wound healing). In infants and children, bone growth may be impaired.

The cartilage of the joints is primarily made of collagen and therefore low levels of vitamin C result in less padding around the bone areas which ultimately leads to painful joints. This also results in inflammation and swelling around the joints.

Lack of vitamin C can cause your skin to become dry and damaged as vitamin C is essential for healthier-looking skin 

People deficient in vitamin C can have slow wound healing.

A vitamin C deficiency results in poor immunity and a higher risk of infection, including serious illnesses like pneumonia.

Vitamin C Rich Foods :

Kakadu Plum:

 It contains up to 2,907 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. This makes it the richest known source of vitamin.


Orange provides 70–90 mg of vitamin C.


Grapefruit contains 80–100 mg of vitamin C.


30–40 mg of vitamin C is found in lemons.


One fresh guava is packed with anywhere from 73 mg to 247 mg of vitamin C.


8 gm of fresh parsley contains 10 mg of vitamin C.


Strawberries contain 59 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. One cup of strawberry slices delivers 97 mg of vitamin C.


One lychee provides 7mg of Vitamin C.


kiwis provide 92.7 mg of vitamin C per 100g. 


One cup (145 g) of papaya provides 88 mg of vitamin C.


These provide 160mg per 80g serving (cupped handful) or 200mg per 100g. 


1 cup, chopped provides 80 mg of vitamin C.


It (1 cup, chopped) contains 48 mg of vitamin C.


 1⁄2 cup, cooked (120 g) contains 27.4 mg of vitamin C. 

Red Bell Peppers

These have 1.5 times more vitamin C than their green counterparts.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is not stored in the body, so overdose is not a concern. But it's still important not to exceed the safe upper limit of 2,000 milligrams a day to avoid stomach upset and diarrhea.

All the best!

Friday 5 July 2024

How To Boost Your Immunity. Healthy- peacefulmindbody


                             Image from Freepik 

What is immunity?

The quality or state of being immune. It's a condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing the development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products. Every day our body comes in contact with several pathogens, but only a few result in diseases. The reason is, that our body can release antibodies against these pathogens to protect the body against diseases.

Types of immunity:

Immunity is of two types, passive and active immunity.

The major advantage of passive immunity is that protection is immediate, whereas active immunity takes time (usually several weeks) to develop. However, passive immunity lasts only for a few weeks or months. Only active immunity is long-lasting.

What is natural immunity?

Natural immunity happens after you get infected by a germ and your immune system responds by making antibodies to it. The infection could make you sick. But if you're exposed to that germ in the future, your body's defenses spot it and fight back with antibodies. This makes you less likely to get infected again.

What weakens the immune system?

Alcohol consumption.

Malnutrition or poor diet.

Not getting deep, restful sleep.




Autoimmune conditions.

Certain cancers.


Chronic condition.

Foods That May Weaken Your Immune System:

Added Sugar: 

The effects of added sugar intake are higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. These can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Salty Foods:

Salty foods can cause bloating. Consuming too much salt can disrupt the delicate balance of fluids in your body, leading to bloating and discomfort, especially in the abdominal region. Your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease is increased. Some research indicates that in addition to high blood pressure,overconsumption of sodium can damage the liver.

Foods High in Omega-6 Fats:

The adequate intake of omega-6 fats per day is 17 grams for males and 12 grams for females ages 19–50 years. Excessive amounts of omega-6 are found in today's Western diets and promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Fried Foods: 

The frying process will change the chemical structure of fats, and make it difficult for your body to break them down, leading to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Fried food may cause bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea. 

They may impair your gut microbiome.

Processed Meat:

Several studies have found links between processed meat and various forms of cancer, as well as heart disease and diabetes. Processed meat can also lead to weight gain. The World Health Organization has classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami, and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer) which means that there's strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer.

Fast Food:

Fast food is often high in calories, fat, and sugar but low in nutrients and fiber. Consumption of fast food can lead to cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, Kidney damage, obesity, diabetes, liver disease and cancer.

Foods that Contain Certain Additives:

According to several studies, health issues such as asthma, cancer, diabetes and obesity are caused by harmful additives and preservatives.

Some food additives may interfere with hormones and influence growth and development. 

Food additives – food flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate, trigger chronic inflammation and impair normal liver functioning. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, and artificial food colors are common mediators of inflammation as well. Some of the food additives and preservatives that need to be avoided are.







Highly Refined Carbs Like White Bread and Bakery Items:

Frequent consumption of refined carbs can contribute to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, low energy, and poor gut health. It can affect brain health and can lead to health issues such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 

Examples: White bread, white rice, white pasta, pastries made with white flour, sugary cereals, soda, and candy.

Refined carbs are also digested quickly, and have a high glycemic index. This means that they lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. Refined carbs also increase blood triglyceride levels. This is a risk factor for both heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Foods That Boost Immunity:

Food rich in vitamin C can boost immunity. Vitamin C-rich foods are citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, strawberry, kiwi, guava, papaya, mango, tomatoes, black currants, kale, and lemon.

Beta-carotene plays a role in improving immunity. Root Vegetables, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, and winter squash are good sources of beta-carotene.

Vitamin E is immune booster: Pine nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, peanut butter, mango, kiwi, blackberry, raspberry, fish, sunflower oil, olive oil, and corn oil are examples of vitamin E-rich foods.

Antioxidants improve Immunity: Green Tea, nuts, seeds, whole grains, spices and herbs, blueberries, pomegranates, cherries etc are antioxidants.

Vitamin D is an important immune booster: Oily fish, including salmon, mackerel, sardines, dairy products, egg yolk, bananas, and oranges contain vitamin D.

Benefits of Having a Healthy Immune System:

1. A healthy immune system plays a huge role in fighting infections. The immune system produces white blood cells and proteins to fight and eliminate disease-causing microorganisms and toxins.

2. Wounds heal fast. Your body works to protect the wound by sending nutrient-rich blood to the injury to help regenerate new skin. This healing process depends on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can't regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.

3. The immune system protects against the harmful effects of stress.

4. A healthy immune system maintains overall physical health.

5. Good immunity promotes healthy energy levels and mental clarity.

6. A healthy Immune system makes you feel strong and active.


Eat Nutritious Diet:

Eating a nutritious diet helps your immune system prevent microbial attacks and inflammation.

Engaging in Regular Exercise:

Doing moderate-intensity exercise can increase the circulation of immune cells in your body, thus boosting immunity.

Get Adequate Sleep:

Strengthen your immune system by getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep allows the body to replenish its immune cells, which are responsible for fighting off germs and other things that can make you sick.

Get Sunlight Exposure:

Sunlight is the primary source of natural vitamin D. Vitamin D has immunomodulatory effects that can improve the body's immune system.

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Obesity alters the immune system in myriad ways. Clinicians have reported that people with obesity often seem to have different courses of disease – from infections and allergies to cancer.

Stay Hydrated:

When you are not hydrated, your immune system is not able to work as effectively as it should. Water helps maintain healthy mucous membranes. Moist mucous membranes act as a barrier and protect the body from foreign invaders.

Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate the bacteria and toxins that cause infection. With the help of water, oxygen and nutrients are distributed throughout the body, and waste material is flushed out from the body.

People with a strong immune system are more likely to recover quickly from an injury or illness, feel less fatigue, and have good gut health. So opt for a healthier lifestyle to strengthen your immune system.

All the best!

Wednesday 3 July 2024

High Vibration People. Signs of a High Vibration Person and How to Become One_peacefulmindbody

Image by Jcomp on Freepik

Our body is made up of energy-producing particles, which are in constant motion. Everything in the universe is vibrating and creating energy, so we all are living energy fields.

Vibrational energy experts claim that certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, love, gratitude, and acceptance, create high-frequency vibrations, while other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair, sadness, and fear) vibrate at a lower rate.

What is the Law of Vibration?

Some wellness and spiritual communities believe in the law of vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of movement. We refer to these movements as vibration, and the speed or rate at which something vibrates is called its frequency.

A Person With High Vibration:

The term “high vibrational people” refers to individuals who are conscious of their or others' natural energy levels. They are emotionally and spiritually evolved, kind, compassionate, and empathic. If you want to raise your vibration, start by increasing your self-awareness and understanding of the world around you.

There is plenty of evidence linking positive emotions and thinking patterns to better health and greater goal achievement.

How to Raise Your Vibration:

To raise your vibration, you can try the following practices.

Deep Breathing: 

Find a quiet environment where you can focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose. Let your belly fill with air. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale completely through your mouth for a count of 8.

Connect With Nature: 

Sit quietly in a natural setting and allow your thoughts to drift away. Slow down, and take in your surroundings with all your senses. Listen to the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the flow of water. Walk barefoot on the earth. Spend time in the sun. Even when you're indoors, you can connect to nature by listening to sounds such as birds chirping, ocean waves, or rainstorms.


According to health and wellness consultant Shikha Agarwal, the last quarter of the night before sunrise as well as early morning is the healthiest time to meditate. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment.
You can start by getting comfortable and preparing to sit still for a few minutes. Gently close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Slowly scan your body, and notice any sensations.
Be aware of any thoughts you are having.
When your mind wanders, focus on your breath.
Gently open your eyes when you are ready.


keep a gratitude journal and count your blessings. Writing down a few things you are grateful for is one of the easiest and most popular exercises available. 

Use High-Vibration Words:

Everything carries frequency, even words. Use high-vibration words, words that resonate with positive energy and elevate one's thoughts, emotions, and physical reality. Positive energy words are words like love, inspiration, hope, joy, and happiness. You can attract positive energy by using high-vibrational words.


Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.

Do Random Acts of Kindness:

Kindness could mean a gift, a compliment, or an encouraging word, helping someone with a chore or task, offering a hug, or spending quality time with someone. 
Being kind means providing a listening ear, noticing when someone needs help, and helping your community without asking anything in return.

Using Positive Affirmation:

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. Affirmations present your mind with an alternative narrative that seeps in on both an unconscious and conscious level.

Prioritize Self-care: 

Prioritizing your health and well-being is one of the best things you can do, not only for yourself but also for your loved ones.
This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.

Signs of a High-Vibration Person:

They Are Empathetic :

If empathy and compassion come naturally to you, it could be a sign that you’re on a high vibration.

They Are Generous:

High-vibrational people practice gratitude, they are thankful for what they have which makes them generous towards others.

They Are Optimistic:

They know that positive thoughts can raise their vibration level. Having an optimistic outlook in life is a great strength. It gives you the energy to accept change and deal with defeat. Being an optimistic person doesn’t mean you become indifferent to your problems – instead, it means that you don’t let negative feelings overwhelm you.

They Are Forgiving:

Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they deserve your forgiveness. Sometimes, forgiveness might even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the one who hurt you. Learning to forgive is vital for both our mental and physical well-being.

They Have Boundaries:

Although they are empathetic and forgiving, they don't compromise their well-being to cater to others' needs because doing so could lower their vibrations. They are good at protecting their energy.

They Have Strong Intuition: 

Many studies in psychology tell us that intuition is a very real process where the brain makes use of past experiences, along with internal signals and cues from the environment, to help us make a decision. Your intuition is strong when you experience a negative or positive emotion in the presence of someone or something that may not be healthy for you.

They Are Nature Lovers:

Connecting with nature can positively affect your mood and raise your vibration levels. High-vibration people love spending time outdoors.

They Attract People and Animals:

Strangers easily approach them. Animals and children are drawn to them. Both animals and children are known for being able to sense the energy that people give off. 

They Have a Strong Sense of Self-worth:

One of the signs of high-vibration people is having an incredible sense of self-love and self-worth. They maintain a moral high ground and always try to do the right thing. They accept compliments and appreciate their good qualities. They take responsibility for their mistakes but do not degrade themselves for making them. 

They Surround Themselves With Positive-Minded People: 

Positivity and optimism are contagious. Unfortunately, so are negativity and pessimism. They surround themselves with positive people, and they become confident.

 A great way to surround yourself with like-minded, positive people is to practice self-awareness. Being present in the moment is the key to understanding others because, instead of seeing them for who we want them to be, we see them for exactly who they are.

They Nourish Their Body Wisely:

Their eating patterns are primarily composed of whole foods like vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and protein sources like eggs and fish. They drink plenty of water. They listen to their body's hunger cues and avoid overeating. They eat less salt. They do not skip the breakfast. They do not smoke and avoid processed food. 

The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and your emotions are easily dealt with.

Your mind is steady, you're resilient through life's ups and downs, people find solace in your company, and your smile is unshakeable. 

All the best!

Tuesday 2 July 2024

How To Practice Gratitude-peacefulmindbody

 Gratitude comes from the Latin word “gratus” meaning “thankful” or “pleasing.”

Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. When we become grateful, we do not compare ourselves to others. Thus, it helps us acknowledge our achievements and blessings.


Oprah Winfrey once said, "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

When we’re caught up in our daily routines and challenges, it's easy to lose sight of the things that truly matter. Many of us tend to focus on what we don't have or what could be better but by practicing gratitude daily we can make a positive change in our lives.

Gratitude is a beautiful way of enriching our lives. It refers to the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good that we receive in life. It has been proven scientifically that when we express our gratefulness to other people, we feel happier and calmer.

Plato said, "A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things."

Gratitude can have a positive impact on your life as it makes you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. Gratitude helps us to feel more positive emotions and appreciate good experiences, which in turn gives us a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Benefits of showing gratitude: 

Effects on mental health: 

Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health benefits. 

Gratitude increases mental strength. Research has shown that gratitude reduces stress and may play a significant role in overcoming trauma. It
causes our brains to release more positive neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin that lessen the effects of stress in our bodies.

By being grateful for the positive things in our lives, we make ourselves happier. 
Gratitude decreases symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones boosts your mood, calms anxieties, and leads to optimism. In particular, gratitude impacts the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system is the part of the brain that is responsible for all emotional experiences. 

Effects on physical health: 

Feeling grateful improves sleep quality because of the positive thoughts which may calm the nervous system. An attitude of gratitude can lead to lower levels of stress hormones which results in a lower risk of heart disease. Being thankful, even for the little things, helps to improve blood pressure, and even reduce inflammation. Gratitude has also been shown to have a positive effect on the immune system because it decreases the stress hormone cortisol. 

Effects on relationships:

Gratitude not only improves your physical and mental well-being; it may also improve your relationships. When we express our gratitude towards others, it strengthens our bond and inculcates feelings of happiness. Research has shown that expressing gratitude releases oxytocin or the “love hormone” which builds a greater connection and bond between two people.

How To Practice Gratitude:

Expressing gratitude is more than courtesy, manners, or being polite. It's about showing your heartfelt appreciation. When you thank someone, it shows you've noticed something good, and you've genuinely appreciated it. Gratitude can have a lasting positive impact if we work towards incorporating it into our daily lives. Actions that display gratitude are more valuable than solely feeling gratitude toward others.

15 Simple Ways To Make Gratitude a Part of Your Life:

1. Keeping a gratitude journal. Write down 5-10 things that you are grateful for each day. It trains your mind to look at the brighter aspects of your life.

2. Count your blessings, appreciate the good, and focus on what’s right in your life. You can see, smell, hear, talk, walk on your feet, sleep on your bed. You have a roof over your head, food on your table, and clothes to wear. These are the blessings we often take for granted.

3. Call a friend that you haven't spoken to for a while.

4. Pay for someone's coffee.

5. Compliment a parent on how well-behaved their child is. 

6. Letting someone go in front of you in line.

7. Checking in on a loved one.

8. Write an appreciation note.

9. Appreciate someone for their hard work.

10. Be willing to share what you have – books, clothes, food, and even your time and skills – with your loved ones and those less fortunate.

11. Plan something they enjoy.

12. Give a gift.

13. Appreciate the person who cleans your house.

14. Host a party or event.

15. Offer to run an errand for a busy friend. Take on extra chores around the house. Express gratitude for all they do by doing some of it for them.

Random acts of kindness can make a big impact not only on other people's lives but on our own too by improving our overall well-being. 

By focusing on what you're thankful for, you're training your mind to spot the good in life. This makes challenges more manageable and helps you feel more positive.

The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for.” — Norman Vincent Pea

Don't forget to share this information with your loved ones.

All the best!