Showing posts with label enjoy life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enjoy life. Show all posts

Friday 31 July 2015

Seven Secrets of a Happy Life _ Peacefulmindbody

Happiness is something we all desire, we try to do whatever we can to become happy but still why it seems so hard to attain happiness? The reason behind our unhappy state is that we are looking for happiness in the wrong places, we think that we will be happier when we own a big house, get a highly-paid job, go on a long vacation, have a fulfilling relationship, etc, these all things do matter to increase joy in life to some extent but they can't give you everlasting happiness.

They can uplift your mood temporarily but for a long-term, deep, happy, and peaceful state you can't rely on external conditions, you have to look inside of you to gain true happiness.
Happiness is something that is embedded inside you, it depends on your way of thinking, how you respond to life circumstances, and how you embrace life as it is rather than get caught up in the trap of could have or should have.

Do you ever wonder why some people seem so happy and peaceful regardless of what they are going through in life? It seems happiness is so natural to them, that they don't even have to struggle for it. The truth is you don't have to struggle to be happy too. When you stop seeking it you will get it naturally. Certain traits are common among happy people.


They take full responsibility for their life and don't blame others for their feelings and setbacks in life. They know they are responsible for their response to life events and they have the power to choose a happy life for themselves, only they can make choices to move forward in life, they have to take a step, they know who they are and what is better for them. They embrace their failures and weaknesses and acknowledge that mistakes are part of a journey to success. They have a deeper sense of what they want in life and how to get that. They are not afraid of making decisions for their life.

They realize that they can't make the right choices every time and they try to learn from their experiences.
They own their feelings, they don't try to disregard their emotions. They understand that feeling all emotions, whether negative or positive, is a part of common human experience so they don't try to suppress them nor do they over-indulge in them rather they allow themselves to feel what they are feeling at the given moment.


Complaining makes you focus on things that you don't have rather than what you have. It can steal your peace of mind and decrease your happiness level. By complaining you feel disempowered and helpless, you want a desired change but you feel incapable of doing that, you feel others are obliged to do things for you.

Happy people know well that complaining is not the solution to their problems. They act proactively and take the necessary steps to work towards things that need to be done. They don't wait for others to do things for them. They don't complain about things that are beyond their control. They respect their limits and capacity, they accept that they can't control every aspect of their life.


They show gratitude for every blessing they have. By being thankful they train their mind to focus on positive things in life which boosts their happiness level. They count their blessings and don't miss an opportunity to make the most of their inborn talents.

Each one of us is born with certain gifts, innate capabilities, and unique qualities to offer to the world. Happy people figure out their deep passion and talent and utilize efforts in the right direction. They are grateful for what they are giving to the world. They consider their uniqueness and individuality valuable. They know they are playing their part by serving the world with their exclusive talents and abilities. They don't degrade or devalue their contribution. They excel in their field as they are exactly doing what they are capable of.


Happy people are well-aware of the fact that nothing is as precious as a peaceful life. They keep peace as a priority in their life and every other thing falls secondary to it. They live within their means, they keep realistic goals. They don't overdo it. They take good care of their physical and mental health.

They believe that by cultivating peace in their life they can achieve much more. Whenever they find themselves off-track they try to revert to a peaceful state. They are self-reflective are aware of their inner world, and can sense slight disruption in inner peace. They never trade their mental peace in running after unrealistic goals.


Happy people accept both their strengths and weaknesses. They know the art of self-compassion, and they console themselves when facing failure or difficult situations. They accept that they are trying their best and trust their instincts. They don't beat themselves up for making human errors. They show kindness towards them as well as to others. As they are already aware of their flaws and consider them a part of being human, they don't internalize criticism and judgment from the outside world nor do they require external validation, they appreciate themselves for their achievements no matter how small they are.

They know their self-worth. They don't mold their decisions to please others to feel loved, they do what they feel is right. They are capable of loving themselves and whenever they find themselves deviating from the right path they know how to rectify it with compassion and kindness.

They don't deny their mistakes and don't feel egoistic to apologize when someone gets offended by them. They are their best teachers, they know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how to work on their less desirable attributes.


Happy people don't compare their life with others. They don't feel jealous, they understand that everyone is going through different pathways in life, and nobody can escape the twists and turns of life. They know we all have something to celebrate. We all are blessed in some ways. They appreciate others for their success and efforts while acknowledging their strengths. Their positive attitude towards life uplifts their happy state, enabling them to get more from life as they don't deplete their energy by envying others.

They don't have space for negativity in their hearts, they don't feel threatened by helping others and making them climb up the ladder of success, instead, they feel capable of contributing and making a difference in the lives of others.


Happy people don't miss a chance to enjoy simple things in day-to-day life. They know that by focusing on small beautiful things in life they can maintain their happiness. They like to smell the blooming flowers, walk on the lush green grass, sip a hot coffee, watch their favorite movie, enjoy their favorite ice cream flavor, play with their pet, or notice the beauty around them.

They don't wait for things to happen, they fully enjoy each moment and embrace it. They try to find joy in little things. They are quick to find goodness in others. They show warmth to others by appreciating their talents and qualities.

Happy people are not born lucky, they keep a healthy perspective towards life. They believe in the motto, live and let others live. They are pro-life. They are nurturing and don't hinder the growth of others. They try to focus on the brighter side of life while accepting the unavoidable suffering in life. They are the realistic people with a positive mindset.

We can adopt these traits of happy people and can bring a pleasant change in our lives. It's never too late to start living according to the principles which keep you happy and peaceful. All the best!

Peaceful Life is a Happy Life