Showing posts with label How to stay healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to stay healthy. Show all posts

Friday 31 July 2015

Five Morning Rituals for Better Health_ Peacefulmindbody


When you wake up in the morning there are certain things you can do to give a good start to your day.
The following five tips are easy to follow so you need to do very little but can benefit a lot from doing them regularly.
Neuroscience suggests that we need 21 days to develop a new habit. So why not give these five rituals a try for 21 days and experience the uplift in your mood and life in general?

1...Take a few deep breaths before leaving the bed :  


It's not rocket science but it can do wonders. Inhaling air deeply through your nose up to the count of seven in a way that your belly comes out then hold your breath up to the count of three now exhale it fully through your mouth up to the count of ten.
This is not a fixed rule and you can adjust your breathing according to your comfort but exhalation should be longer than inhalation with a pause in between.
The mechanism behind this simple exercise is that by taking deep breaths you are stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system which is normally activated during rest and sleep. It counteracts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (the sympathetic system gives you a fight-or-flight response).

This is most beneficial to people suffering from morning anxiety as it neutralizes the effects of catecholamines (i.e hormones released in blood in response to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system)

2...Do some workouts:

It can be anything from a brisk walk to some kind of exercise for about 20 minutes (more beneficial if you exercise in a natural environment).
The main purpose is to move your body to release neurotransmitters, endorphins, and serotonin, commonly known as happy hormones. Exercise is beneficial to those having depressive moods as they can feel joyful by releasing their happy hormones during exercise. (In case you are suffering from clinical depression consult your doctor for proper medication as well)

3...Maintain a gratitude list:

What's more enjoyable than maintaining a list of all the things you are blessed with? This technique shifts your attention from the things you are lacking in your life to those you are grateful for.
By doing this simple exercise you are developing a habit that moves your mind from the emptiness in life to the fullness of life. I am often stuck in a habit of complaining instead of focusing on all the blessings that I'm having daily.

You can be thankful for a thing as simple as having food to eat, a place to sleep comfortably, having a healthy body, etc. By making this habit a part of your routine you can boost your mood within seconds. Keep practising it throughout your day as well and notice the difference in your life and well-being.

4...Take a healthy breakfast :

No one can deny the benefits of a healthy breakfast. Never skip your morning meal. After so many hours of fasting you need something to energize yourself in the morning otherwise low sugar levels i.e hypoglycemia can make you feel lethargic, exhausted, and anxious, you can't be your best when you are not energized so do yourself a favor and eat healthy breakfast which includes eggs, cereals, milk, butter, fresh juice, etc.

I am not in favour of tea or coffee although these caffeinated drinks can boost your energy levels for a short time and later make you craving for more of them. Besides this caffeine can worsen your anxiety by stimulating your sympathetic nervous system.

If you find it difficult to resist then you can take it but on a full stomach, never take it on an empty stomach as it can cause acidity symptoms and heartburn. Try to slowly cut down your caffeine intake.

5...Positive mindset:

Your mind starts believing what you feed into it so do some nice motivational self-talk. Focus on today's task, don't try to control the outcome of your task, just do your best with your best intention and enjoy the experience.

When people try to control the result of a particular task they feel anxious and tense. Often we become so focused on the result that we forget to do certain things that can improve the outcome, so instead of overburdening ourselves with something that is out of your control pay attention to things that you can do right at this moment to get the desired outcome.

Stop worrying and live in this moment. In this way, you can free yourself from unnecessary stress and distractions.
I hope these simple but proven tips can give your day a good start, a key is to make them a part of your routine.

...All the best!