Showing posts with label how to boost your mood instantly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to boost your mood instantly. Show all posts

Saturday 29 August 2015

Boost Your Mood by 16 Simple Ways-peacefulmindbody

We all have days when we feel low or gloomy. But it doesn't mean that you have to stay in this state throughout the day. Being sad is just the emotional state and you don't need to allow it to dominate your life. You have heard many times that happiness is a choice, you have the power to focus on things that you don't like about your life or to focus on the good stuff in your life, believe it or not, we all have something good in our lives, it's never all black or all white.

The human mind is hard-wired to focus on negative aspects of life to fix it, it can easily forget the blessings in life but this can do more harm than good. Many things are beyond human control. You can break this habit by deliberately doing activities you enjoy and choosing to focus on positive aspects of life. This will not lessen the challenges of life but it will surely make you feel more empowered, you can deal with your issues with a positive mindset. Following are certain habits that can boost your mood.

1- Stand straight and tall, let your shoulders drop down and backward and your back maintain the natural S-shaped curve. When we are feeling sad we slouch a little bit, our heads hang down and our shoulders move forward. Our minds and body are linked so when you stand tall your mind gets a signal that you are happy and confident and soon you will feel a sudden boost in mood.

2- keep a pet, studies show that people who pet an animal are more open and compassionate towards others. Furry animals like cats and dogs can decrease depressive symptoms and uplift your mood.

3-Inhale a calming scent like that of lavender oil or whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed. You can take a warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil.

4- Exercise or go for a long walk in a park or along the beach, and stay connected with nature. It has a powerful effect on your mood and enables you to relax.

5- Have your favorite meal, I am not saying to start binge eating but eating your favorite food can instantly make you feel good. Be careful not to overdo it as it can make you feel addicted to that particular food, having it once in a while is fine to cheer you up.

6- Talk to an old friend, reminiscing good old memories makes you feel you have enjoyed your life. It's always good to reconnect with your old buddies.

7- Help someone in need, by helping others we bring peace to ourselves. Do some act of kindness it can be anything, buying a meal for a hungry person, giving some of your excess stuff to charity, helping an old person to cross the road, or giving your seat to an elderly person on a bus.

8- Count your blessings. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. Show gratitude by sending a thank you letter or e-mail to someone who has helped you. Being grateful surely makes you feel happy and peaceful.

9- Pursue your passion. Start doing things that you enjoy as a hobby like painting, singing, gardening, etc. Stay in touch with your creative side. Don't wait for the ideal time, set aside some hours from your schedule for yourself, and for your well-being.

10- Smile or laugh often, watch a funny video, read some hilarious jokes, or go for a comedy movie, allow yourself to laugh and enjoy like a child.

11- Buy flowers. Keep flowers at your workplace or home. They make you feel refreshed and happy.

12- Do something new. You can change your hairstyle, dress up differently, change the setting of your room, or plant a new tress. People get bored of the same routine, any good change can uplift your mood.

13- Seasonal changes in the amount of daylight affect your brain, lowering serotonin ( happy hormone), make sure you are having enough exposure to daylight.

14- Eat more fish, evidence says that omega-3 fatty acids ( found in fatty fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon, and herring) may help ease depressive symptoms. Add vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges, strawberries, and grapefruit to your diet, they help to produce endorphins which makes you feel good.

15- Drink green tea. Polyphenols which give green tea its bitter taste are powerful anti-oxidants. Recent research has shown that polyphenols may help maintain positive mood states.

16- Keep yourself well hydrated. Not drinking enough water can make you cranky, just a small change in the state of hydration is enough to affect mood and, ability to concentrate.

These simple habits can add peace and happiness to your life, boost your mood, and beat depressive symptoms.

Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make each day happy.
                                                                    ...Deepak Chopra

All the best!