Friday, 24 July 2015

7 Ways To Enjoy Peaceful Mind_peacefulmindbody


        Image by Kireyonok_Yulia on Freepik

Peace is the result of retraining 

your mind to process life as it is,

rather than as you think it should be.
                                                                                     ...Wayne W. Dyer                                                          

In today's fast-paced world, it seems a bit difficult to attain peace of mind while carrying out day-to-day tasks and fulfilling the demands of modern high-tech life, but the truth is that having a peaceful mind is not rocket science, an attitude towards life, the way one responds to different circumstances of life and anybody can cultivate it with little practice. It's something that already resides in you, it comes from within, it is related to your inside world and only you can make yourself at peace, you don't need anything outside your body to keep you calm and peaceful.

Being a peaceful person does not mean that you are unable to feel stress, tension, worries, or sadness rather it means you are more capable of dealing with negative emotions and thoughts as soon as they arise without disturbing your deep peaceful state and without feeling overwhelmed by the negativity. It's inevitable to avoid painful emotions we are born with a full range of emotions so it's better to let them flow through your body rather than numb yourself which is an unhealthy way of dealing with negativity, hinders your healing, growth, and a root cause of many mental illnesses.

If you are someone who is having a difficult time attaining and enjoying peace of mind then you are at the right place. You don't necessarily need to be a monk to get peace of mind just following simple yet effective ways of living can transform you into your best version, capable of maintaining deep well-deserved peace of mind.


 Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
                                                                                            ... Buddha

What is mindfulness? It's a quality of being aware and conscious of one's feelings and thoughts, the ability to acknowledge the present moment as it is without resisting it.

By making mindfulness a ritual in your life you not only find yourself more at peace but also enjoy frequent episodes of joy and gratitude, it's an easy way to declutter your mind with detrimental thought patterns, and worries and appreciate what is there for you in this very moment.

Just pick one or two tasks that you perform daily and allow yourself to do them with full concentration and awareness. For example when you are brushing your teeth daily focus your attention on it, notice the feeling of bristles on your gums and teeth, movement of your brush, and become aware of sensations without judging how you are doing it.

The purpose of this technique is to keep your chattering mind away for some time, stop your racing thoughts, and get connected with your body by becoming conscious of yourself.




 Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
                                                                                                ...Eckhart Tolle

In moments of stress shift your attention to your breathing, and become aware of your inhalation and exhalation cycles. Take a nice deep breath through your nose fill your lungs with oxygen-rich air in a way that your abdomen comes out during inhalation then slowly release it through your mouth. This is called diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing, your diaphragm, a muscle between the chest and abdominal cavity, contracts making your belly protrude out. This type of breathing aids in putting less effort and energy into breathing, maximizing the amount of oxygen while taking normal breaths, giving you a calming and relaxing state of mind, making you feel grounded, and keeping you connected with the present moment.

It's quite common to get lost in the past or worry about the future amid daily life issues, by just becoming aware of your surroundings, using your five senses as much as you can, paying attention to what you see, hear, smell, feel, taste in this moment you can bring your focus back to the task at hand, become connected with now without being engulfed by the challenges of life so you can make the most of this very moment while enjoying mental peace.


                  If something is wrong, fix it 
                  if you can. But train yourself 
                  not to worry, worry never 
                  fixes anything.
                                                                                                   ...Ernest Hemingway

I emphasize on this one a lot. We all have worries even people who seem to be breezing through life on a happy wave feel worried and stressed out at some time or the other, it's impossible to run from daily life agendas, we just have to manage it correctly.

Keep aside a few minutes every day from your busy routine and write down your worries, feelings, and thoughts. This helps you to gain a better perspective of the real you, your feelings, and life in general and is highly useful to vent your negative emotions, those that bring you down and make you anxious.

Assign a particular time for your worries, let's call it worry time, try to solve issues, sort out your problems, and figure out the solutions in this limited period .whenever a disturbing thought or worry arises at any time of the day, note it down instead of ruminating over it and make a mental note of returning to it later in the worry time. This can safeguard your entire day from getting ruined by interrupting thoughts and concerns.


 The only source of knowledge is experience.
                                                                                            ...Albert Einstein

We are not born with a manual of Do's and Don'ts, if something works for you it might not work for someone else, and the only way to learn is from your experience. Forget the idea of avoiding errors, you can't, you can lessen them by acquiring knowledge from your past experiences but you are unable to stop making mistakes. Remember there is no such thing as failure only feedback. Don't beat yourself up for being imperfect and creating errors, don't let your peaceful mind get disturbed by things that are beyond your control. Learn and move forward, you are exactly where you need to be to go where you want to be, it is the peaceful way of living without any doubt.



Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others.
                                                                                                    ...Gerald Jampoisky

By becoming less critical of yourself and others you are allowing yourself as well as others to be their best authentic self. You can't accept others unless you fully accept yourself. Yes, it's true, you may find it difficult to accept the flaws of others when you are struggling with accepting your weaknesses. 

We all are imperfect beings, our flaws and mistakes make us human. Accept everyone as they are without having the urge to change them, we are incapable of changing others but we do have a choice either to accept them as they are or walk away, you can maintain healthy boundaries and stop allowing others to manipulate you or take advantage of you but don't waste your energy reserves in trying to change others, it's necessary for your well-being.

But yes you do have the power to work on your shortcomings and flaws, the first step towards becoming your best self is to acknowledge your flaws and become aware of your good and not-so-good attributes with compassion and empathy, People usually fall into two extremes they either become critical of themselves, blaming and criticizing or they prefer to stay in denial as they find their real self unacceptable. Both of the ways are awful, enough to disrupt your mental peace, you don't find it comfortable to stay with yourself as you are your own worst critic or you are not feeling connected to yourself as you are degrading your true self by denying it.

The more balanced or healthy way to deal with your imperfections is to accept them with compassion, admit that you have flaws just like all other human beings, and focus on improving yourself.                                     



 Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts 
and let them shine!
                                                                                                      ...Jennie Finch

This is a sure way to feel depressed and frustrated, destroying inner peace and giving rise to envy which again can kill inner tranquillity. People are going through ups and downs in life, facing challenges, and fighting battles no one is aware of. You can't predict their inner story just by looking at their perfect life. We all are experiencing different situations, our sufferings are different, and our journey of life is unique so it doesn't make sense to compare it with others. It's fine if you are lacking something in life we all feel this way.

 By acknowledging the fact that it's impossible to get what you want every time and whenever you desire you can ease yourself, and calm inner conflicts and harsh judgment. Try to accept things as they are instead of creating some ideal version. Don't miss the silver lining because you were expecting gold.


 Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.
                                                                                                           ...Mother Teresa

You don't need a reason to make someone happy, your little act of kindness can do wonders in the life of others. By helping others we bring peace to ourselves, even your kind words have the power to mend broken hearts, heal tortured souls, and give sunshine to gloomy life. Whatever good you are contributing today in this world, it will soon reflect on you, do good, and good will follow you.

True kindness is to give something without expecting anything in return. By offering your help with a pure heart you not only create happiness in the lives of others but you can make yourself peaceful, not anticipating a return from them. You enjoy your ability to make others happy which in itself is a big blessing. By lifting someone, you are lifting yourself, it's a sure way to enlighten your heart and soul. Do not forget to show the same kindness to yourself as well.

 Peace of mind comes when you stop expecting and start accepting...

The things that disturb us most are within us, that are thoughts, by knowing yourself better with compassion, by calming your inner critic, and by embracing your life with all its gifts you feel more empowered to deal with the challenges of the outer world.

You don't need to wait for things to fall in place before you enjoy a peaceful life, you just have to take care of your inner world and it will cherish you with much-awaited mental peace.

 All the best!

Thursday, 16 July 2015

15 Benefits of Making Exercise a Part of Your Daily Routine _ Peacefulmindbody

The importance of exercise can not be emphasized enough. It is a form of physical activity that keeps you fit, providing multiple advantages to your overall well-being.

It is needless to say that by making exercise a part of your daily routine you not only bring discipline to your chaotic life but can reap long-term benefits in ensuing years.
You don't have to be a fitness freak to pursue a daily exercise routine, just a little bit of dedication and diligence can yield fruitful results.


In case of any health concern consult your doctor before starting any exercise regime. It's important to discuss in detail which exercise program suits you the best.



1..It is a powerful stress buster,  that keeps depression at bay by increasing the release of feel-good hormones endorphins and serotonin. It is a healthy way to manage stress, improves mood, and lowers symptoms of anxiety.


2..Stabilizes your blood cholesterol levels by reducing low-density lipoprotein  (LDL) i.e. bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It also increases high-density lipoprotein(HDL) i.e. good cholesterol in blood.


3..As you age your blood vessels start losing their elasticity and become rigid which results in a common rise in blood pressure in older adults.
Elevated blood pressure makes you susceptible to coronary artery disease, heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke. Exercise can delay the rise or help to maintain your target blood pressure.


4..Protects against stroke by improving risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.


5..Keeps your heart healthy by strengthening cardiac muscles which in turn increases cardiac output i.e. blood pumped into the arteries and delivers more oxygen to the body.


6..Enables the lungs to take in more oxygen by increasing your breathing rate, and improves oxygenation of blood and oxygen supply to body cells.


7..Growing older makes your metabolism slow which can result in obesity or weight gain. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and sleep apnea.
To be more active you need to burn excess fat and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise is a sure way to get your desired weight.


8..Protects against Type 2 diabetes and helps to maintain target blood sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes.

Muscles utilize more sugar during activity while at rest due to an increase in the sensitivity of insulin  (the hormone responsible for the entry of sugar into cells) so there will be greater uptake of sugar at the cellular level during exercise.


9..Keeps your musculoskeletal system strong, increases muscle strength, improves mobility, and keeps your body fit, toned, and in shape.


10..With time your bones start losing calcium which can give rise to a condition known as osteoporosis causing a decline in bone mass density (BMD).

Exercise against resistance or weight-bearing exercises makes your bones strong by increasing bone mass density, reducing the risk of fracture, and preventing falls.


11..Exercise is vital for arthritis, it reduces joint pain, and stiffness, prevents immobility, and increases the strength of muscles around the joint which aids in movement.
Don't overdo it as it can worsen your aching joints even moderate exercise can ease your symptoms and prevent disability.


12..Lack of sleep can impair your memory and reduce concentration and performance. Exercise improves the quality of your sleep by reducing the difficulty in falling asleep and preventing frequent awakening during sleep.


13..Increases your energy level, and stamina, builds up confidence, and improves your self-esteem. These all lead to better performance at work, reduce easy fatigability, and increase the ability to enjoy activities.


14..Exercise has anti-inflammatory potential, delays the process of aging, and helps you stay young.


15..Boosts your immune system, prevents chronic diseases, protects against certain cancers, and reduces the risk of premature death.

American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75mins of vigorous exercise per week i.e. 30 mins a day, five times a week for moderate exercises, or 25mins a day, three times a week for vigorous activity.
If you are new to exercise or have not exercised in a while start with a 10-15mins increase per day. Do it gradually so your body can adjust.


Exercises that improve physical ability and health are of four kinds

*Aerobic Activities





They increase heart rate and breathing thus improving your lungs and cardiovascular system.
These include moderate activities like hiking, dancing, gardening, walking (3.5mph), and bicycling (less than 10mph) and vigorous activities like running, jogging, swimming, playing basketball, walking (4.5mph), bicycling (more than 10 mph).


These exercises can increase your muscle strength and endurance. They include weight lifting, using resistance bands, push-ups, or sit-ups.


Balance exercises help prevent falls, a common problem in older adults. Examples are standing on one foot, and heel-to-toe walking.


Stretching makes your body flexible, and eases your movement and range of motion around joints. These include shoulder and upper arm stretch, and calf stretch.

In short, there are many ways to stay active and healthy, find an exercise regime that is in harmony with your health issues and body needs, one that you enjoy and is beneficial for you.

...All the best!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How To Stop Being Lazy All the Time_ Peacefulmindbody

If you are lazy you are not living the life you are meant to live. If you encounter laziness in your life daily then there is something that needs to be fixed.
It's an unhealthy and unproductive way of living, giving you nothing but a feeling of inadequacy.
In this fast-paced,speed-obsessed world, idleness and ineptitude are the least desirable traits.
Stop beating yourself up for being lazy and follow these simple steps which will benefit you without a doubt.


There must be some reasons for your laziness. Rack your brain, go deeper, and do some introspection.
Are you running away from some deeper issues? Is there anything you don't want to confront? It could be anything you might be afraid of failure so you don't want to try in the first place, you have unrealistic goals that make you feel anxious and unmotivated, you lack interest in a particular task, you mistrust your capabilities or simply you are having fear of uncertainty so you are procrastinating things to avoid uncomfortable emotions.

Just figure out the limiting belief and work towards it. Remind yourself of your past accomplishments, challenge your negative thoughts, and keep a reality check, you will come to know that most of your fears and limiting beliefs are not legitimate.


Make sure you are having 8-9 hours of deep, restful sleep. You should have a fixed time of sleeping at night and awakening the next day.

Are you staying awake late at night? Are you having difficulty falling asleep? Are you spending the whole night tossing and turning? These can make you feel tired in the morning.
Make a habit of going to bed early and waking up early. You will soon reap the benefits of a healthy, energetic body.


This can contribute to weight gain and cause other health issues and ailments. Are you living a sedentary lifestyle, spending most of your day sitting? The more you lack physical activity the more you feel the urge to stay idle and the cycle goes on and on.

To break this pattern you need to start moving your body, take a brisk walk, make exercise a part of your daily routine, and don't forget to lose those extra pounds of weight.


If you are not honoring your work chances are you can easily lose motivation and focus. Don't disrespect the task you are doing by comparing it with what everyone else is doing.

Don't doubt your capabilities, just embrace what you are capable of. Remember any work done with good efforts and pure intentions is worthy of respect. You are doing your part, making your contribution and that is enough, that is respectable.


It's easy to feel overwhelmed while pursuing a big task so let's divide it into small easily manageable goals.
Give your utter attention to the task at hand, and do the best you can at this moment without worrying about the outcome, this way you can come up with something incredible without feeling drained. You save yourself from running out of steam and utilize that energy in the right place.


Don't wait for others to appreciate you. Just do it yourself, give yourself a treat as a token of encouragement, it could be anything from a much-deserved rest, positive affirmation, a walk in nature, or buying your favorite brand.

The main purpose is to pause and celebrate your achievement no matter how small it is. Remember appreciation intensifies your drive to achieve more.


If you shift your attention from the fear of failing to learn from the experience you hit the jackpot. In this way, you enjoy a sense of fulfillment as you are gaining something even if you make errors.
We all can learn and improve, seeing each task as an opportunity to grow is no less than a blessing. Even if you failed take it as a stepping stone towards your desired destination.
If you learn to see the positives in every situation you can do wonders as this attitude can make you progress faster.


Multitasking stresses your mind to focus on different aspects at a detrimental time. It can deplete your energy stores rapidly, give no satisfying results, and make you feel tired.
Multitasking is a myth, our brain is wired to focus on a single task at hand. Forget the concept of multitasking and give your complete attention to only one task at a time.
In this way, you improve the quality of your work as well as avoid feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.


If you are keeping unrealistic goals you soon feel overwhelmed and tired running after them and then laziness surfaces. Don't seek perfection it simply doesn't exist. Try to do good enough. It's fine to do good enough. Focus on progress over perfection.


If you are trying to seek pleasure in every task you perform then it's a sure way to feel disappointed. There are many chores we have to do daily and it's okay if you are not enjoying each one of them.
You have to keep a balance between the work you like to do and the work you have to do. Don't let this be an excuse for your laziness.


Make a list of the benefits you will enjoy after following your goals. What will happen if you start exercising daily or what will you get if you complete that project? It keeps you motivated and helps in overcoming laziness.


We are here to fulfill a unique purpose. Know your priorities, what matters to you the most, and your values, and then start working towards them day in, and day out. Having a purpose prevents you from feeling stuck, bored, and idle, you have something to look up to.

Stop wasting your precious time doing less than what you are capable of, feeling lazy, and being unmotivated. You are here to live your unique purpose. 

  ...All the best.